Episode 09: Changing Perspectives: Animal Advocacy ft. Ryuji Chua


In this next episode of the grassroots movement series, Giada and Rémi are joined by animal advocate and filmmaker Ryuji Chua. Known for his influential documentary ‘How Conscious Can a Fish Be?’, Ryuji is changing peoples’ perspectives of animals by being scientifically accurate and philosophically rigorous. 

This episode touches upon plant-based living, its merits and how to convince people to change their behaviour. Ryuji talks us through his experiences and how he ended up advocating the way he does. Be sure to tune in for anyone interested in animal advocacy, critical thinking and how to make a change in society!

Be sure to check out Ryuji Chua on his Instagram account, Youtube, and website: ⁠https://www.ryujichua.com/⁠


  • Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/PeaceByVegan

  • Website - https://www.ryujichua.com/

  • Instagram - @ryujichua


Episode 10: The Puzzle of Family Reunification law in the U.S. ft. Vinh Ho


Episode 08: Childhood Negligence and Parental Violence - The Examination of Jeffrey Dahmer’s Childhood in the US and the Separation between Private and Family Life in Europe